Tyresta National Park. Sweden.

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Tyresta National Park is a beautiful and tranquil spot just 20 kilometers from Stockholm, Sweden. It’s known for its pristine old-growth forest, serene lakes, and a variety of wildlife, making it a perfect destination for nature lovers and hikers.

The park covers a large area, offering numerous trails that range from easy walks to more challenging hikes. One of the highlights is the hike through the ancient forest, which features tall pines and dark spruce forests. The trails are well-marked, and many visitors recommend the yellow and red routes for a more adventurous experience. These paths often involve climbing over rocks and navigating under trees​ (Tripadvisor)​​ (TripAdvisor)​.

Visitors often mention the peacefulness of the park, noting that despite its proximity to the city, it feels like a world away. It’s an ideal place for a day trip where you can enjoy a picnic by one of the sparkling lakes or even take a refreshing swim. The park is also home to a farm where you can see animals like horses, sheep, and cows, adding to its charm​ (Tripadvisor)​​ (TripAdvisor)​.

If you don’t have a car, getting to Tyresta is still convenient. You can take a bus from Stockholm, which stops right at the visitor center. This center provides useful information, maps, and even offers bottomless coffee—a perfect start for your hiking adventure. For those interested in a longer stay, the park has wind shelters for camping, providing a unique way to experience the Swedish wilderness overnight​ (Tripadvisor)​​ (GetYourGuide)​.

Overall, Tyresta National Park is highly recommended for anyone looking to escape into nature, whether for a peaceful walk, a challenging hike, or simply to enjoy the beautiful landscapes and fresh air.